BOO WHO FLU is another operation. Ignore And don’t, for crying out loud, test.

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Wonderful Exposure!

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Yeh this has been strange to see. Now promoting "disease X" as the bird flu from all the same players that brought us the covid "pandemic". Question Gavi, Gates Foundation, WHO then repeat their warnings on bird flu.

::cough cough:: bullshit!

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Please also remember this about the W.H.O. ("world "health" organization"). The fix was in from before "covid". Nothing was going to stop the mRNA "vaccine" program. FEAR MUST BE MAINTAINED! Effective treatment for covid must be suppressed and not be "officially" acknowledged to insure the "criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives" for the Emergency Use Authorization of the genetic manipulation mRNA and viral vector injections.

The beginning of the implementation of "their" premeditated plan to KILL HCQ AND STEROIDS etc, to kill all REAL early covid treatment and effective REAL emergency room and REAL hospital covid treatment, to push remdesivir and the vaccine only path is documented here https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/330680/WHO-HEO-RDBlueprint%28nCoV%29-2020.1-eng.pdf?sequence=1

note: eventually the w.h.o. said "no" to remdesivir which did not stop its use in the US.

WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020 - Coronavirus Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics Draft version Jan 27, 2020

They dismissed HCQ outright "insufficient evidence to support its further investigation".They "KILLED" steroids while the document acknowledges "although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness".

The US representative at this Jan 2020 meeting was, fauci stand-in, Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.

The document lists a number of "the guilty parties". fauci was in on the suppression of Real Treatment of covid from before covid.

Siguna Mueller, Ph.D., Ph.D. Jun 7 Author

Thank you. I trust that all of this must, and will, come to Light!!!

The WHO document, dated January 24, 2020, is insane. Thank you for pointing it out.

Agreed. They killed potent drugs on superfluous grounds, e.g. "Immunosuppressants and immunostimulators (e.g. corticosteroids/steroids) were also identified as products to be deprioritised as there is not enough information when the treatment should be given."

As you note, "insufficient evidence" -- should have been applied to the genetic injections, and not to proven and potent drugs and therapies!

James Kringlee On The Path 7 mins ago

"as there is not enough information when the treatment should be given."

as if REAL DOCTORS know nothing about when to give corticosteroids/steroids.

or REAL DOCTORS had not already found steroids life saving when used in the latter stage, when moving to and entering and when in the immune dis-regulation stage of severe covid

Then the begrudgingly allowed study "Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19" https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2021436

A less likely drug to choose at a much too low a dose yet still shown to save lives then never to be followed up upon with studies and studies of clinical practices using higher and much higher doses of corticosteroids such as methylprednisolone and prednisone which had already been demonstrated to be much more effective in both preventing hospitalization because of covid and in preventing in hospital deaths from covid when used in a timely manner and in doses tailored to the patient based on clinical experience.

Siguna Mueller, Ph.D., Ph.D. Jun 7 Author

Good points. Thank you. Indeed! He could have been a hero!

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I'm on team human.

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It's a depopulation agenda. Does anyone feel it should or could be ran better? Me, I'm against depopulation personally..

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Can you please explain how Dr. McCullough is deceiving people?

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How did he reveal his hand?

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How is Dr. McCullough controlled opposition?

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Follow the money and you will have your answers

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Peter is now confirmed for me as 100% controlled opposition. There was never a covid public health emergency (pandemic) and if the PCR test is involved with bird flu I have no doubt that’s all bullshit, too. Yet Peter can’t open his mouth without repeatedly telling us there was a pandemic. Gotta keep selling all those pandemic drugs! Sad.

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Hard. Pass. Sad that you're now promoting their next psy-ops.

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I am sad that you are not educating the public regarding what has been revealed through the analysis of the mortality data in 2020 and forward. The mortality data does not support that a highly contagious respiratory pathogen is responsible for the excess death in the United States. To my knowledge no one has refuted Rancourt et al. Respiratory pathogens do not understand state borders; yet the NY and Pennsylvania mortality data reflect such an aberration.

The general public has endured so much deceit from so many. If Rancourt and Yeadon are wrong— then walk us through the data.

Please do not be added to the list of the deceivers; there are a lot of ppl who have been one very educated on these topics in the last four years.

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Peter started off so well but has revealed his hand. Pierre too. Layers upon layers of deceit. Let's use another poisonous gene therapy to undo the harm of the first one. Yeah right

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Wonderful! I am so glad you are involved in this very needed effort to reveal the truth—and better yet—do something about it.

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