Well a few weeks later and the country is as divisive as before the assassination attempt. Trump is back to his vitriol and name calling, school yard stuff. And Kamala Harris has been anointed to run against him WITHOUT the vote from the voters but instead the oligarchs that own the DUOPOLY.

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We now have photographs of the candidate's ear that was supposedly injured in an assassination attempt - yet no sign of a wound. The mid-flight bullet photograph was also clearly a fraud - the motion artifact in the image is not consistent with the bullet velocity. The staged-assassination-attempt should really now be the default assumption. Evidence here:



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I wish. Also, the candidate reported that he heard a "whizzing sound". Supersonic 5.56 mm bullets do not make a "whizzing sound". They make a blast of 150 dB at a miss distance of 2 meters. https://peteryim.substack.com/p/supersonic-bullets-produce-deafening

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So, Peter, There are multiple cell phone videos many with sound (if not all) and likely some of them close to within 2 meters and even if not within 2 meters, if the blast was 150 dB, surely it would be heard by the crowd or bystanders--well it was, we all heard it.

So you assert that bullets don't make a whizzing sound. Is that from personal experience? If not, shall we put your head in a vice and shoot AR15 bullets at it to see if. there is a whizzing sound with or without a. sonic boom? How deep is our commitment to science, eh?

Is that documentable by audio recordings? What killed the retired fireman? What injured the two other bystanders?

We all heard gunshots on the videos, and I am sure that POTUS Trump did as well. I have had traumatic experiences (not thank God being shot at) -- syncopal episodes, implanted defibrillator discharges (about 8 in my lifetime), Motor vehicle crashes.

I can only recall the exact details of (were they the exact details or just what I recalled, I don't know). But the discharge of the defibrillator initially causes a total w white out of your vision, coincident with a sharp chest pain (was it limited to my chest, I can't recall) followed by the sensation of a blow to my chest that I liken to being kicked in the chest by a horse--never. experience that, so maybe I am engaging in hyperbole , maybe it was more like being punched in the chest by that supposed 'woman' boxer in the Olympics, since it didn't knock me down--the only time a defibrillator discharge didn't knock me off my feet. The subsequent times, I don't recall all the details of each discharge.

Point is that I can't recall all the details of each episode, and that the events play out in rapid succession.

I would be quite sure that he heard the report of the bullet, whether he recalls or reports it 9because of being blocked out (perhaps hypnosis would help with this?) but I strongly suspect that the bullet leaves a trail if turbulence behind with an. auditory signature and that as well there would be a different pattern of turbulence and auditory signal after the bullet struck the pinna of his ear. That was likely accompanied by the physical sensation of the turbulence of the passing bullet by his head direct sound transfer through his skull most likely.

I suspect that was what impressed him the most in recollection--wow! that was close! But I don't know, and what your whole exercise reeks of is victim blaming.

I am going to posit that you are a Democrat, that you have voted as such every time that you had a chance, and are predisposed to believe that no one would attempt to assassinate POTUS DJT, and further that you are predisposed to believe that he is just a showman and would do anything for a show, eh? and that that drama was all arranged by him and for him, to what ends? Can you deny that?

Who would be the conspirators and why would they do that?

Essentially every federal employee is a Democrat, the evidence of corruption of the FBI by Democrats has been on full display since the beginning. of the 2016 presidential election. Not to mention the circumstantial evidence that in fact the SS, the FBI at various levels were in on the plot at some level (there is as much evidence for this as there is for your fantasy.)

The mid flight bullet photograph that was submitted to the NYT a fraud? The NYT whose editors publicly stated that lying in news stories to discredit POTUS DJT is allowable, and they are going to cook up a fraudulent photo?? Give Me a break!

With Alec Baldwin's shooting of others on the set fresh in everybody's mind, are you asserting that POTUS DJT orchestrated a live fire charade at a campaign. event? Trump may be an SOB (at least in your eyes and other deluded or demented lefties ) but he is not suicidal. But he is our SOB.

Oh, and you are calling his personal physician while he was in the White House (and by implication the ER physicians liars. And you have no medical background, did not ever examine him, or review ER records, etc. etc. 'Magic bullet' 'Magic ear'

How about deluded leftist posing as a 'scientist' but we have had a bunch of that with 'Dr Fauci' hell he was a corrupt bureaucrat who never had more than an internship after medical school.

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Excellent Expose!

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The powers-that-be seem to want Americans unsettled rather than reassured. Gone are the days when most people accepted the official explanation, no matter how absurd, though these people don't seem to understand that, or perhaps they comprise the world's most chaotic crime syndicate.

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Me too!

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Thanks for your feedback, Martin. Any input is appreciated.

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Couldn't agree more. And I agree—the narrative changes so fast it's hard to keep up.

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I appreciate DM’s measured approach/response particularly given that the narrative changes faster than he can respond to the question. I equally appreciate that using labels such as “left or right” may make it easier to advocate for a reasoned/centrist (voice of sanity) position. However, the reality is we are living in a world that doesn’t value sanity bc it gets in the way of the fantasy.

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Jul 24Liked by The Great Wakeup

I normally carefully listen to your comments on medical issues. But in this case I think you are a bit late with this assessment, Dr McCullough. Biden stepped down from running for office 5 days ago. Everything has changed.

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Com’on man, Jill has been fully aware of Joe’s cognitive decline. But she likes the power of her position. Do you not remember early in Biden’s presidency Jill sitting in the president’s chair on Air Force One, with the president’s jacket flung over the back of the chair and Jill reading government documents to prepare for the upcoming trip? And how Jill has had to lead Joe around so he wouldn’t get lost? The question now is, how will the Biden crime family keep up their gravy train if Joe is no longer around?

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Very suspicious indeed.

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We are all entitled to our opinions. I personally want to hear Dr. McCullough's take on these matters. As a society, we are told we need to only speak to our "speciality." Instead, we need generalists who can think beyond one topic.

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Well put. And very concerning!

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Exactly. Too many things just don't add up

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Oh goodness. Dr. Jilly Beans knows. She knows darn well that her ticket to fame, money and power is sinking fast, and she don't like it. If only, if only Joey would do what he is told to do. Just read a little. And don't read the stuff out loud he isn't supposed to read. Stand up tall and straight. Look alert. And stop saying stupid stuff like he did in the beginning “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” I think this was a clue for us all. My question is why did we just forget that he said this ourselves. He told us he committed the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud ever. Then we pretend we don't remember either.

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I never forgot.

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This is all planed.

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